Why I Left My Job at Microsoft

I worked at Microsoft for 4 years, and I was a big advocate for people to join the Tech industry (I still am), and maybe you were thinking, “Wow, she’s really living the dream,” and in some ways, I was. Working remotely from wherever I wanted, making 6-figures, having a stable paycheck, and frankly, not […]

5 Reasons Why you Should and Shouldn’t Consider a Masters Degree

Hello, welcome back friends! In this blog I will be sharing my popular and unpopular opinions of why you should or should not enroll in graduate school. I’ll start by saying I’m a huge advocate for higher education, but the last thing I want to see is people close to me get in debt to […]

4 Common Resume Mistakes that are keeping your Resume from Jumping to the Next Level

Resumes are the foundation for many professional development areas and I hope these tips can serve you! These fixes can take your resume to the next level and can help showcase what a great candidate/employee you are. Having a well-written resume can translate to having a strong elevator pitch, interviewing skills, and negotiation skills. When […]

9 Things I learned from Long-Term Travel

Gina Moreno Travel

I spent the last 3 weeks traveling on my third long term vacation trip, and I strongly believe that I have become a better person thanks to my explorer nature. I did not travel much as a child, as I grew up in a low income, strict household, but started traveling a lot more in […]

My Raw Self-Healing Journey Thus Far

My self healing journey has been a journey to step into being the woman I’ve always wanted to be and more about unbecoming & unlearning everything that I’m not. It has been exhausting, wonderful and everything in between. Here is a list of things I was able to compile. My purpose is to 1) tell […]

A Memo to my Fellow First Gens

Happy National first Gen Day my loves! Being first Generation means that you are the first in your bloodline to navigate unknown spaces; and most likely the only one with your background and that looks like you in these new spaces. You can be the first one to be in this country, first one to […]