My self healing journey has been a journey to step into being the woman I’ve always wanted to be and more about unbecoming & unlearning everything that I’m not. It has been exhausting, wonderful and everything in between. Here is a list of things I was able to compile. My purpose is to 1) tell you: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 2)Help bring clarity to your own journey 3) Have some compassion for yourself! ♥ We will always have blindspots, and the faster we can accept that, the more room we will create for self love and healing.

My healing journey as a First Gen who grew up in a Mexican conservative household (Catholic) has been a path to:
-Find my true fashion style
-Explore my sensuality and sexuality
-Grieve the life I had to give up to “mature” at an early age
-Grieve the life I had to give up to do the global pandemic lockdown
-Learning to identify and fulfill my own physical, emotional and mental needs
-Learning to regulate my nervous system
-Confront extremely uncomfortable emotions and sit with them
-Learn it’s okay to make other people uncomfortable with my authenticity
-Accept that I should and won’t meet my families expectations of who they want me to be
-Get away from co-dependent family and relationship dynamics
-Find my voice at my job and demand good culture
-Understand that it wasn’t just professional development that it took to get here, but unlearning my culture, recreating my values, and always doing DOUBLE the PERSONAL growth work
-Understand the toxic relationship dynamics in my family and culture and seek therapy so I don’t repeat them?
-Learn about boundaries, attachment styles, love languages, childhood trauma, inner child work, healthy coping, co-dependency and more
-Admit that I’m not happy with certain things in my life and parts of who I am
-Confront myself and my weaknesses without judging them or justifying them
-Be exposed to people who grew up with more privilege and sit with the true statistics of me being here (anger, pride then acceptance)
-Rise instead of cave when I don’t understand references or didn’t experience life the same way my peers did, or sometimes suck at English even if I learned it at the same time as Spanish
-Realizing how much my parents did with so little, and how much love they gave me even with their own huge barriers and trauma
-Bring back my “activist” lessons of colorism, racism, feminism to my boomer and gen x family
-Decolonize my beauty standards
-Constantly finding new reasons to love myself, surrender to the universes’ divine timing, and expect miracles everyday
-Absorb that I’m so incredibly blessed and grateful, full, and fortunate to live this life
-Redefine what it means to be a Modern Latina, and what it means to be me.
-For the first time break the cycle of self-neglect and survival mode in my family and invest in my mental health, physical well-being and doing things simply because I enjoy them
-Accept that my family/parents cant just jump on my self actualization train
-Feeling helpless doing so much outreach work for strangers, when my own family suffers from addictions that I cannot do anything about
-Have to give up my stability and undergo the chaos of finding a new team to be happier
-Grieving that I have to leave them (my parents) in order to give them the best and me better
-Learn to listen to the physical signs of my beautiful body asking for help, and learning to nourish it and move it in the best way possible
-Acknowledge the privileges I have, such as my skin color
-Find home in people and places that don’t make me feel seen, heard, or understood
-Accept that my parents suffered twice as much to get half of I have now
-Learning to manage a new lifestyle and investments with a big salary
-Feeling invalidated people don’t understand my perspective because they don’t… look like me

Hope some of it was able to resonate, there might be a part 2 to this. Which one did you relate to the most? Any others you would add?